There have been multiple times that I’ve tried googling for information about the excellent Bill Blackbeard edited Hyperion Library of Classic American Comic Strips
series from 1977 and come up dry. I’ve decided to provide a list of them here for reference for anyone looking for the same info. Here are the “titles in series one”… I don’t believe there ever was a series two.
Skippy 1925-1926 by Percy Crosby
Barney Google 1919-1920 by Billy DeBeck
School Days 1923-1924 by Clare V. Dwiggins
A. Mutt 1907-1908 by Bud Fisher
Connie 1929-1930 by Frank Godwin
Bobo Baxter 1927-1928 by Rube Goldberg
Baron Bean 1916-1917 by George Herriman
The Family Upstairs Introducing Krazy Kat 1910-1912 by George Herriman
Abie the Agent 1914-1915 by Harry Hershfield
Dauntless Durham of the USA 1913-1914 by Harry Hershfield
Napoleon 1932-1933 by Clifford McBride
Winsor McCay’s Dream Days 1903-1914 by Winsor McCay
Bringing Up Father 1913-1914 by George McManus
Sherlocko the Monk 1910-1912 by Gus Mager
Jim Hardy 1936-1937 by Dick Moores
Happy Hooligan 1904-1905 by Frederick Burr Opper
Buster Brown 1906 by Richard F. Outcault
Thimble Theatre Introducing Popeye 1928-1930 by Elzie C. Segar
Polly and Her Pals 1912-1913 by Cliff Sterrett
Bobby Thatcher Including Phil Hardy by George Storm (Bobby Thatcher 1927, Phil Hardy 1925-1926)
The Bungle Family 1928 by Harry J. Tuthill
Minute Movies 1927-1928 by Ed Wheelan
Note that you can still buy some of these rare volumes at reasonable prices (and many at outrageous prices) here.