Hello, gentle readers. Thanks much for taking the time to check out this blog. I enjoy making it, and I hope you enjoy reading it.
If you do enjoy it, I thought I’d take a little time to illuminate you on ways you can help me to promote it. I like to think I’m providing one of the better sites on the web for old comics, but I don’t think it is reaching all that many people at this point… so I could use your help! Here are some ways to help me out, if you’re inclined…
1) Comment! I really don’t get many comments on what I post, and I would love to get more feedback on what you think of it. Currently, I make no money producing this site other than the very occasional tip, and getting comments is really a big part of what makes doing this worthwhile.
2) Tell your friends! Few things help more than good word of mouth.
3) Tell the world! If you have a blog, linking to my content is always appreciated! Links from your blogroll are wonderful as well. If you frequent message boards, I encourage you to mention this site.
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What this site has to offer:
The Crumbling Paper Archive: Big, juicy scans I’ve made of some of our disappearing comics heritage, often featuring items that haven’t been seen in over a century.
HEY! KIDS! COMICS! A regular listing of fun comics found around the internet.
Obscure Images. Posts of comics images found around the web in auctions and other places.
Interesting Links. A regular listing of interesting content of all sorts from around the interneticles.
Other miscellaneous things show up regularly as well, like the comics I draw, animated cartoons I find around on the internet, music videos of the kinds of crusty old music I dig, the currently abandoned 150 Greatest Cartoonists Countdown project, and my usual bizarre and ill-informed rants and ramblings.
Thanks for your help, and thanks for reading!