If you enjoy this site and you live near the Twin Cities, you won’t want to miss the BIG FUNNY show my friends and I have been putting together over the last number of months. It opens this weekend, and it is going to be spectacular.
The show premieres BIG FUNNY, an oversized 48-page newspaper of comics by 45 different artists, inspired by the funnies sections of yesteryear. The gallery show features original art from the publication, numerous antique comic strips (some over 100 years old… many which have been featured on this site… they all look better in person), a retrospective of unknown cartoonist William Ede, and an old cigarette vending machine rigged up to sell small boxes of little funny mini-comics. Hope to see you there!
THE NEWSPAPER INDUSTRY IS COUGHING blood and gasping on its deathbed. Newspapers lost their relevance a long time ago, and with internet media blossoming they can no longer compete. Readers and advertisers have moved on.
Unfortunately, newspapers are taking their beautiful bastard child, the newspaper comic strip, with them.
Today’s newspaper comics are much-maligned… and deservedly so. Today’s small strips, with mostly predictable, safe themes and bland characters are a pale shadow of what newspaper comics were in their wild and colorful youth.
110-or-so years from their birth, it’s been a good run. Let us not mourn the death of the
newspaper comics… rather, let us have a wake to celebrate what they once were, and to build something new.
The International Cartoonist Conspiracy, Big Time Attic, and Altered Esthetics gallery are collaborating to produce an oversized newspaper comics section like they would do it today if they still did it like they did it in the old days.
It will be called BIG FUNNY, and it will be both.
The paper will premiere at a show at Altered Esthetics in August, featuring some of the original art from the paper, along with historical comics pages from the dawn of the last century.
BIG FUNNY Website.
City Pages A-List Review
Optical Sloth review
Poopsheet Foundation review
Newsarama review
Drawn Review
Amy Crehore’s Little Hokum Rag review
Photo gallery of the little funny sideshow
Can’t make the gallery show? You can buy copies of BIG FUNNY here.
Opening Reception
August 7, 2009 7pm-11pm
1224 Quincy St NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413