150 Greatest Cartoonists Countdown: #136 Gene Colan

#136 Gene Colan

Click the above image to see the full-size version on the site I found it on.

Howard the Duck only looks right when Mr. Colan draws him. Gene Colan always seemed out of place to me in Marvel Comics… his art looks much more grounded in life and life drawing than any of his contemporaries. These days he is doing elaborate pencil drawings for his fans (like the fantastic pirates pictured above)… don’t miss his amazing galleries.

Click here to read the entry on Gene Colan at lambiek.net.

150 Greatest Cartoonists Countdown: #138 Frank Quitely

#138 Frank Quitely

Click the above image to see the full-size version on the site I found it on.

Frank Quitely’s work is usually wild, fast-paced, cinematic and detailed… with a strong dose of trippy cartooniness bending it at the edges. He is a frequent collaborator with author Grant Morrison, and they do great stuff together. My favorite thing they have collaborated on is the brilliant Flex Mentallo, which tragically will probably never be reprinted due to legal pressure from Charles Atlas, if you can believe that.

Click here to see the entry on Frank Quitely at lambiek.net.

150 Greatest Cartoonists Countdown: #139 J.H. Williams III

#139 J.H. Williams III

J.H. Williams III collaboration with writer Alan Moore on Promethea was beautiful and mind-bending… some of the most gorgeously drawn meta-comics ever attempted. Being a super-genius, Moore gets much of the (well-deserved) credit for the success of Promethea, but few other artists could have done so much with his psychedelic scripts.

Click the above image to see the full-size version on the site I found it on.