I found these nice scans of an installment of George Carlson’s Pie-Face Prince of Pretzleberg from an unknown issue of Jingle Jangle Tales a while ago on Ebay. These are black and white scans from the original art (which is what they were selling). The pages are gorgeously and inventively designed and illustrated, as always seems to have been the case with Carlson. Fun and crazy stories as well.
I wish someone would reprint his entire output, I’d love to read it all. You can see some more of Mr. Carlson’s work in The Smithsonian Book of Comic-Book Comics, if you can find a copy… he also did a Learn to Draw Comics book that I’ve been meaning to order for ages. It is a cheap Dover reprint, only $5.95, which has gotta be a steal.
Sooner or later, I plan to get around to scanning the issues of Jingle Jangle that I’ve acquired.