Oy, another out of control long, long list. Been a while, huh? Anyone still reading? Well, welcome back!
Let me just dispense with the illusion/self-delusion that this blog is going to be updated on a regular basis. Starting now, it will be updated whenever I damn well feel like it, and only then, just as it always has been, only with no pretense of operating otherwise. It shall always be feast or famine in these waters. Are you with me, or are you against me?!?
Well, I hope you’re with me. I really do appreciate the fact that people choose to read this blog, in spite of my constant abuse of their expectations. Dear reader, I salute you!
In any case, to avoid the frustration of checking back for updates, I encourage you to subscribe to this blog with a newsreader, so the updates come to you. I use and recommend Google Reader if you need a newsreader… it is free and it works like a charm.
On his Transatlantis blog, my friend Tom Kaczynski hits the nail on the head…

- Tick Tock, Children
- Sketchy Komiks: Everyday
- Shenanigans Page Eight (Chapter One)
- Project Management
- Preview video/slideshow: Hank Ketcham’s Complete Dennis the Menace
- 1-8-09
- 1-9-09
- 1-12-09
- 1-13-09
- Moomin Needs a Publicist!
- From Little Nothings 2
- Webcomics update for 1/9/09
- Roger Langridge’s Kirby Alphabet
- Go, Look: Tom Hart’s Big Kirbys
- Don’t Let the Door Hit You…
- Obama’s First 100 Days…
- 28. Humbug #4: “Cigar Store Indian 1957” by Jack Davis (Nov 1957)
- Gunsmoke Justice!
- THE SHIELD (Simon and Kirby, not the TV cop show)
- “Batman, Baby-Sitter!”
- Gas Buggies
- Corn on the cob
- Infinite Kung Fu, part 10
- Saturday’s Almanack
- The Ice Man Cometh
- Dream of the Rarebit Fiend 1904-11-23
- *Sheldon “Shelly” Moldoff* 1920
- Steve Ditko artwork: Tales to Astonish #44
- It’s Me, Silly Thursday Story Day.
- The World Is Round!: Graphic Novel 1983 – Occar Grillo
- Don’t Have a Cow Friday Comic Book Day.
- Forbidden Valley (DD 54)
- Herriman Saturday
- He is known as– THE DUDE!
- Alan Moore (Jill De Ray)-“Maxwell the Magic Cat”
- Bwah-ha-ha !!!!! They saved Hitlers brain
- Weird Wonder Wolverton
- Cinder comes back
- Forbidden Wisdom of the Sub-Genius
- George Herriman (1880-1944)
- Bots of the Ring, part 15
- The Lightning Calculator
- Frank Wing
- A Pound of Flesh
- Number 451 A Heap of trouble
- Sunday Funnies: F-Troop
- Mice Week-Part VII
- Food For Thought (DD 67)
- Jim Ivey’s Sunday Comics
- Spidey Super Stories #35: “The Perfect Plan Of The Night Flyer!"
- I Must Be Off Sunday leftover Day.
- Bots of the Ring, part 16
- Jest Laffs
- Houseflower 1
- Do You Know Why by Fisher
- The Timid Soul
- Dream of the Rarebit Fiend 1904-11-30
- Death’s Revenge! / Shot By a Corpse
- More Chas Addams
- Kid strip (l)imitations Monday Cartoon Day.
- Number 452 Wood Panic!
- Obscurity of the Day: The Adventures of Percy and Willie
- L’il Businessman
- Hourly Comic: January 10, 2009
- Hourly Comic: January 11, 2009
- Stranger in a Strange Land
- Friday Distraction: Caroline
- Friday Distraction: Great Uncle George’s Will
- Webcomics update for 1/9/09
- Edmond Baudoin’s Le portrait – Coda
- Dog Daze: the last of Jigg and Mooch
- In a Sentimental Mood
- Things to see (1 of 5): Anders Nilsen
- Mice Week-Part VI
- chambre
- The Captives Of Saturnette
- Weird, 1919
- Photo-Toons
- Freckles – 06/07/1945
- Freckles – 06/08/1945
- Freckles – 06/09/1945
- Freckles – 06/11/1945
- Freckles – 06/12/1945
- Freckles – 06/13/1945
- Freckles – 06/14/1945
- Dream of the Rarebit Fiend 1904-11-21
- Melvin Monster by John Stanley
- Hank by Joe Farren
- Exotic Fruit
- Death Kiss
- *Walt Disney Annual* Published *by* Whitman ~ 1937
- Famous First Fridays: The New Gods #1
- It’s a joke, ladies, relax
- Number 450 Terry gives it away
- Dr. Dia in: Critters
- Alan Moore’s Frank Miller parody
- “I haven’t heard that one. . .”
- Mice Week-Part V
- Rebel Visions: a cartoon appreciation
- ¡¡¡ ESOS HINCHAS !!!
- Once More for O’Brien
- Home Page: Christmas, 1929
- Home Page: A Merry 1930s Christmas From…
- Dick Huemer Christmas Cards
- Mirjana
- The School of Sickles Saturday Leftover Day.
- Digging My Own Graff Sunday Leftover Day.
- Tiz what it is Monday Cartoon Day.
- Tuesday Comic Strip Day
- Wednesday Ad Day.
- Who’s The Patsy Now Thursday Newspaper Story Day
- FridayComic Book Day.
- Saturday Leftover Day A belated Christmas treat.
- Monday Cartoon Day. Gluyas Williams
- Mr. Walker’s Tenants Tuesday Newspaper Strip Day
- Toot-toot Tootsie Wednesday Advertising Day.
- For the love of Al Friday Comic Book Day.
- The Joy of Scouting Saturday leftover day.
- You can call me Al Sunday leftovers.
- Standing Tall Monday Cartoon Day.
- Flessel Without Hassle Tuesday newspaper strip Day
- A Voice from the Grave / Harrigan’s Wake!
- Drive of Death
- The Noose of Pearls
- A Night in Black Knoll
- The Soul of Benjamin Sprague
- Curiosity Killed the Ghost
- Vengeance of the Red Ghost
- The Fiend from Outer Space
- The Winged Terror
- Out of Focus
- What in the World… What Was It?
- The Metamorphosis of the Gkmloooms
- City of the Living Dead!
- The Glistening Death
- The Witches Come at Midnight!
- Death Has Many Tongues / Curse of the Satania
- Death Dives Deep
- Harvest of Death
- Tryst with Terror
- The Mark of the Witch
- Kurtzman’s Pig Tales
- Santa Claus Funnies; 1942-1949 (Dell)
- “The Killer From Saturn” (cont.)
- “The Killer From Saturn” (Web Of Evil #3)
- “Return of Lady Blackhawk” (cont.)
- “Return of Lady Blackhawk” from Blackhawk #140
- “Princess of the Sea” (cont.)
- “Princess of the Sea” (Ziff-Davis; courtesy of THOIA)
- “The Terrible Treasure” (cont.)
- Rulah Jungle Goddess in “The Terrible Treasure” (Fox Comics)
- Herriman Saturday
- Jim Ivey’s Sunday Comics
- The Quints’ Christmas — Day 5
- The Quints’ Christmas — Day 6
- The Quints’ Christmas — Day 7
- Merry Christmas from Stripper’s Guide
- Obscurity of the Day: Adam and Eve
- Herriman Saturday
- Jim Ivey’s Sunday Comics
- Obscurity of the Day: Bonehead Barry
- Obscurity of the Day: Lost Leaves of History
- Obscurity of the Day: Roger Bean
- Obscurity of the Day: Always Take Papa’s Advice
- Obscurity of the Day: Bearville
- Give me Liberty or …
- Fred Ray strips
- Gottfredson sketch
- 390812
- Spirit + Ebony = True
- Dick Moores dailies
- Number 438 Captain Marvel and the weird water man…
- Number 439 Spaced critters
- Number 440 This is your wife
- Number 441 The Christmasochist Tree
- Number 442 Boxing Day
- Number 443 Blackhawk solves the mystery
- Number 444 Rocky and Simpy pull big boners
- Number 445 Happy New Year with Cosmo Cat!
- Number 446 To know the secret of the Black Dungeon…
- Number 447 “C’mon you yellow Ratzis!”
- Bots of the Ring, part 12
- Bots of the Ring, part 13
- Freckles – 06/06/1945
- Chaos And Creation
- Byrne-ing to Read: Doomsday +1 #1
- Dream of the Rarebit Fiend 1904-11-17
- Mice Week-Part IV
- Bots of the Ring, part 14
- Go, Look: Swamp Thing, Man-Thing Art
- OTBP: Karl Stevens’ Failure
- Miscellaneous Trivia
- Hang On
- The Barber
- Will I Ever Travel as Far as a Guitar String
- XMAS Dang!
- Red Plains: Range War #2, part 2
- The Bravest Niño, part 10
- Whitey: Lab Rat
- Wiley Foxxe: Ostrich Quest
- Herriman Saturday
- Jim Ivey’s Sunday Comics
- Obscurity of the Day: Children’s Tales
- Children’s Tales — a Few More
- Jumbo Comics
- Jumbo Comics Addendum, Kirby Or Not?
- A Brief Pause
- Sergeant Bill King in No Man’s Land
- Nancy and Sluggo in Hatta-Boy! (Nancy 182)
- Donald Duck at the Pizen Spring Dude Ranch (WDCS 102)
- The Incredible Boxtop Plot Part 1 (WDCS 261)
- The Incredible Box Top Plot Part 2 (WDCS 262)
- The Incredible Box Top Plot Part 3 (WDCS 263)
- Daffy Duck in Flip-Floppy Flight (Daffy 11)
- Machinery in Motion
- Saucy Science
- the fountain
- sketchbooking
- Weird page
- Scribble Scrawl
- scratchy sketches
- Number 448 “…a smarter moron…”
- Number 449 Rocky X goes by the numbers From Boy Comics
- Archibald and the Seagulls
- Freckles – 06/02/1945
- Freckles – 06/04/1945
- Freckles – 06/05/1945
- Vita-Manny: Violent Dreams and Smith Bros. Cough Drops
- Payoff in Lead A “Gunner” Thompson Adventure
- Swoon Goon: Swingin’ Cat
- Hy Hardy Ace Newsreel Cameraman: Deep Sea Drama On Parade
- Fighting Yank: Accidents for Sale
- Digzy 2072 A.D. Antique Shopping
- Supermouse in the Country Under the Sea
- Jim Hatfield Texas Ranger: The Black Inferno
- Bots of the Ring, part 11
- Bots of the Ring, part 10
- Bots of the Ring, part 1
- Bots of the Ring, part 2
- Bots of the Ring, part 3
- Bots of the Ring, part 4
- Bots of the Ring, part 5
- Bots of the Ring, part 6
- Bots of the Ring, part 7
- Bots of the Ring, part 8
- Bots of the Ring, part 9
- Home for the Holidays
- Pile of Words
- Blokus
- Does not do whatever a spider can
- Freckles – 05/26/1945
- Freckles – 05/28/1945
- Freckles – 05/29/1945
- Freckles – 05/30/1945
- Freckles – 05/31/1945
- Freckles – 06/01/1945
- Christmas Spirit
- …with your nose so bright…
- CRACKED’S cracked cartoonists…
- Al Kaufman gags it up
- There Oughta Be A Law
- The kind men like
- My yearly posting of the fairly obscure booklet Sing…
- *Christmas Comic Book Covers & Stories*
- *Wishing everyone a very* Merry Christmas
- *The Spider Widow by Frank Borth* *Madam Fatal*
- My Favorite Comic Book Publisher Quality Comics
- *George Carlson* 1887 ~ 1962
- *Pulp Art*
- *Winsor McCay* 1871 ~ 1934
- *Wishing everyone a* Happy* &* Healthy New Year!
- *Bill Everett* 1917 ~ 1973
- Black and White Wednesday: Englehart and Austin’s Creepy Robots
- Dream of the Rarebit Fiend 1904-11-14
- News of Yore 1968: Perkins Debuts
- O’Brien
- Baseball and Football Cartoons by Willard Mullin
- Army Freshness Wednesday Ad Day.
- James Jean’s sketchbooks
- Santa Claus Funnies 1959 – Cool Cover
- Read Along with Santa Claus Conquers The Martians Pt. 1
- Read Along with Santa Claus Conquers The Martians Pt. 1
- Read Along with Santa Claus Conquers The Martians Pt. 2
- Scream Along with Santa Claus Conquers The Martians Pt. 3
- Mickey Mouse Super Secret Agent, Part One
- Mickey Mouse Super Secret Agent, Part Two
- Mickey Mouse Super Secret Agent, Conclusion
- Tales of the Bizarro World – The Kookie Super Ape!
- Guest Strip by Lupi
- Merry Xmas, everybody.
- Siege Mentality
- Grand Avenue in St. Paul
- Christmas with the Cartoonists
- George Herriman (1880-1944)
- Frank Beck Dec 1936
- Herbert Merrill Wilder (1864-1915)
- Le Petit Lucien, deuxième épisode
- Les suites du Jour de l’an
- A Christmas for Shacktown
- A Very Merry Christmas…
- Later “Little Lulu” Selections, Pt. 1
- Ho, Ho, ho hum… (some LULU stories for holiday cheer)
- “The Bank Robber,” Tubby Four-Color #444, 1952: story and art by John Stanley
- A “Tubby” supplement: the rest of the story
- “Romance for Christmas!”
- Cartooning tricks from an Alligator
- Alan Moore & Mark Beyer’s “The Bowing Machine”
- Sheldon Mayer’s SUGAR & SPIKE
- Frank Miller Presents: The Future of Law Enforcement…
- A Spirit story
- The first appearance of DR STRANGE
- Introducing: The Golden Age Thor
- Frank Frazetta vs. Buck Rogers
- Some odd and interesting Romance Comics
- ADVENTURES INTO FEAR #19: Man-Thing, metal bikini and a Talking Duck
- Remembering Lyn Joy
- Happy Blog Year!
- Freckles – 05/22/1945
- Freckles – 05/24/1945
- Freckles – 05/25/1945
- Dark Shadows – Story #1
- The Adventures Captain Rochester, Vol. 1, No. 2
- Spare That Tree
- Bless Us, Father …
- Not A Creature Was Stirring
- The Night Before Christmas
- The Christmas Spirit: A Fable
- Ride To Nowhere
- Jonah
- Life Drawing Sunday 34: Christmas
- Sunday Funnies: Dennis the Menace Christmas Fun
- Groovy Christmas’ Past: Frank Miller and more
- Sunday Funnies: The Wild and Wacky World of Sergio Aragones
- Making A Splash: DC Comics December, 1979
- Groovy New Year’s Party 2009 with Brother Power the Geek, Night Nurse, Prez, and Brother Voodoo
- Sunday Funnies: George of the Jungle
- Making A Splash: DC Comics January, 1974
- Christmas Fun
- Stay Tooned
- Today’s Cul de Sac
- Francis Pharcellus Church
- Year In Review
- The Rest
- Happy New Year
- Saturday’s Almanack
- Krazy Kat 1921-05-16
- Krazy Kat 1921-05-14
- Krazy Kat 1921-05-18
- Krazy Kat 1921-05-17
- Krazy Kat 1921-05-20
- Krazy Kat 1921-05-19
- Krazy Kat 1921-05-21
- Krazy Kat 1921-05-23
- Krazy Kat 1921-05-24
- Dream of the Rarebit Fiend 1904-09-10
- Dream of the Rarebit Fiend 1904-09-28
- Dream of the Rarebit Fiend 1904-10-03
- Dream of the Rarebit Fiend 1904-10-07
- Dream of the Rarebit Fiend 1904-10-10
- Dream of the Rarebit Fiend 1904-10-14
- Dream of the Rarebit Fiend 1904-10-17
- Dream of the Rarebit Fiend 1904-10-21
- Dream of the Rarebit Fiend 1904-10-26
- Dream of the Rarebit Fiend 1904-10-29
- Mice Week-Part I
- Mice Week-Part II
- Mice Week-Part III
- Christmas – Tom Thug style
- Christmas Annual Covers
- Happy New Year 1947 – Chips style
- Go, Look: giannisgiannis
- Go, Look: Tips On How To Enjoy The Upcoming Depression
- 1970s humor mag predicts future
- Dream of the Rarebit Fiend 1904-11-05
- coffee and crime
- Pinups: John Held Jr.
- fiti chasse
- A Very Again With the Comics Christmas
- Ditko’s Darkroom
- Weekend at Doctor Sketchy’s
- Shenanigans Page Six (Chapter One)
- Celebrating The New Year: The Plunder Island Sequence
- “Highlights of 2009”
- The Two Weeks Before Christmas
- Improv Cooking
- “Twitter”
- Sketchy Komiks: Leisure
- Candlelight Service
- A Manly Pinup
- Season’s Greetings
- I’m Introspective
- Doodle Dump 005: Roman Cieslewicz
- St. Paul Cartoonist Conspiracy December 2008!
- What You Can Buy Me For X-Mas
- Sketchy Komiks: Popping Bubbles
- Dept. of Psychiatry
- Hugh Morris (1864-1908)
- This One’s A Real Lulu!…
- LCRW Cover
- After Christmas kind of concept
- Stanley, I presume Friday Comic Book Day. John Stanley