Rogues’ Gallery #9: “COLD BILL” PATTERSON

It was ridiculous how long he had been in the otherwise-empty waiting room. His tooth hurt like hell.

Nothing to read but an old Cosmo and an issue of Highlights. What child likes the Timbertoes, anyhow?

He felt mild pity for the receptionist as she chased him into the office, but really she was as culpable as anyone in wasting his afternoon. As he went to work on the dentist, he marveled at the array of tools at his disposal. Extraction was easy.

Still, it looked like a doorknob and a piece of string was in his immediate future.

Note: I wrote this today for a contest. The theme is “found in space.” Wish me luck! I’ll need it.

Read about more Rogues here.

COMICOPOLIS Opens in Minneapolis This Friday (August 28th)

Comicopolis, a gallery show featuring the work of a number of Minneapolis cartoonists (including me) opens this Friday… hope you can make it!

Please join us Friday, August 28th for food, drinks and music!

Low life, high art

Opening reception:
Friday, August 28th from 6-9pm

FrameUps Minneapolis
4325 Nicollet Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55409
(612) 870-1292

Featuring comic art by:
Kirk Anderson
Ken Avidor
Shannon Brady
Kevin Cannon
Will Dinski
Roger Lootine
Brittney Sabo
Andy Singer
David Steinlicht
Steven Stwalley

Wanna help promote the event? Have a chicklet!


Another BIG FUNNY Review

We got another review for BIG FUNNY today, from Susannah Schouweiler at

As I look through “The Big Funny,” it strikes me that this collective elegy for the newspaper comic strip intends more than mere nostalgia for a fading form; its artists are sounding an impassioned call to action, too, aimed at both readers and artists who love the medium. “Let us not mourn the death of the newspaper comics,” the editors write, “rather, let us have a wake to celebrate what they once were, and to perhaps build something new.”

Note that if you are in the Twin Cities, the show is up until the 29th… and if you are not in the Twin Cities, you can order a copy online here.

1224 Quincy St NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413




Pictured above: A huge, fold-out page from the printed version of PHENOMENAL TANGENTS.

Danno’s online serialization of our collaborative Jack Kirby tribute project, PHENOMENAL TANGENTS continues. Danno has been doing a great job describing our process making the comic, and I have been adding my “co-director’s commentary” in the comments.

Page 2
Page 3
Page 4

Danno also talks about the insane and unique format of the printed book that he innovated in the page 3 post. While it is fun to red online, it is a million times better in print, thanks to the way Danno printed them.

Note that I also recommend checking out Danno’s fun collaboration with Bud Burgy, Continuity Guy… read it here.

More BIG FUNNY Reviews

We have had some more reviews of BIG FUNNY recently…

Oh, My Lard

MN Daily

Note that if you are in the Twin Cities, the show is up until the 29th… and if you are not in the Twin Cities, you can order a copy online here.

1224 Quincy St NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413



PHENOMENAL TANGENTS is Online at Staplegenius

My good friend Danno Klonowski just started serializing PHENOMENAL TANGENTS, a collaboration that Danno drew and I wrote, on his Staplegenius blog. It is a tribute to the writings of Jack Kirby… everyone loves Kirby’s art, but too few appreciate his utterly unique writing style, in our view. Click the image above to check out the first spine-shimmying installment! It should be running for the better part of a month.

Photos From the BIG FUNNY Opening

Pictured above: two of my BIG FUNNY co-editors, Danno Klonowski and Bjorn Rolvaag in full newsie garb… image purloined from Danno’s blog.

The BIG FUNNY opening was a full house on Friday night… BIG FUNNY again is an oversized all-comics newspaper I recently co-edited with my collaborators from the International Cartoonist Conspiracy, Big Time Attic and Altered Esthetics gallery. I forgot to bring my camera, but fortunately other folks took some great pictures…

Danno Klonowski (Staplegenius)

Tom Kaczynski

Terry Beatty (you old comics fans out there will want to give Terry’s blog a good look for all the old comics scans he has posted over the last number of weeks as well)

Also, here is a photo gallery of the issues of little funny, an ongoing series of mini-comics that premiered at the show. They are only sold out of the little funny vending machine, a cigarette vending machine that has been re-purposed to sell mini-comics. Each box contains six different mini-comics. There are 29 issues so far by an international group of cartoonists… I’ve drawn three of them so far. If you are interested in participating in this project, watch the Cartoonist Conspiracy blog for information on getting in on the next round.

Note that if you missed the opening, the show is up all month! If you saw the opening, the numerous antique pages that were up on the walls have been taken down… so you can now browse both sides of them in the gallery. You can also still buy copies of BIG FUNNY online here… or for five bucks each in the gallery if you don’t want to pay shipping.