SOAPY THE CHICKEN (#112): Ramblin’ Al on Mortality, Part Two

Click the above image to read the current strip.

I wanted to mention that, if you like this stuff and want to read the previous strips without going back post by post through the blog, they are easily browsed in THE ARCHIVE here.

The election for new comic strip czar will happen November 4th. Who will you vote for? Support your candidate by putting their below banner on your website, blog, social networking site, or ass. Consider it your own virtual lawn sign.

We have also provided a banner for one of the third party candidates in case you like losing:

Confused? Read this. Get more confused.

See the Soapy the Chicken archive here. Get downright perplexed.

Subscribe to the Chicken Feed. Understand less on a sometimes regular basis.

HEY! KIDS! COMICS! : Kurtzman, Cannon, Woodring, Flip, Mattias, Goldberg and a Conspiracy Jam : October 8th, 2008



Too many great items to feature them all this time around… here are some of the highlights…

Rube Goldberg's Side Show

The ASIFA Hollywood Animation Archive gives us some wonderful examples of (the only cartoonist listed in the dictionary) Rube Goldberg’s Side Show sunday strips, a great hodge-podge of interesting and funny features that was the home for his famous Inventions. Click the above image to go there.


Sloth Force Seven

My friend Kevin Cannon brings us the first seven pages of his wonderful new Sloth Force Seven minicomic which I got at FallCon this weekend. Click the above image to view it.


Woodring's Don't Wait Up, Mother

Another marvelous and particularly funny Jim Woodring image. Click the image above to go look at it.


Flip the Frog Annual

Comicrazys gives us more of the extremely obscure Flip the Frog Annual series. Click the image… you know the routine by now, don’t you?


Cartoonist Conspiracy October 2008 Jam

Here is the Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy Jam from October 2008 that I participated in as usual. Note that anyone can participate… just show up the first Thursday of the month at Diamond’s Coffee Shoppe in Minneapolis with pen in hand. Click the image to download the fairly large pdf (thanks to Kevin Cannon for scanning and posting these!)


Mattias Inks Amazing Buildings

Mattias has been on a roll producing amazing illustrations of fantastic buildings… he just completed a series of five particularly fanciful "vehicle" buildings.. Click… image…


Rube Goldberg's Side Show

More rare Harvey Kurtzman from Those Fabuleous Fifties! Click the above image to go there.


Second Annual City Pages Comix Issue Out TODAY: When the Elephants Come to Town

Above: Tim Sievert‘s contribution to the Comix Issue.

The second annual City Pages Comix Issue that many Cartoonist Conspirators contributed to is out today! The theme was “When the Elephants Come to Town,” which is a reference to the Republican National Convention in St. Paul this year. Many items that did not fit in the issue were included online. The print issue will be all over the Twin Cities for the next week.

I have a cartoon in the issue… you can view it directly by clicking the above image.

A lot of good stuff… particularly notable, as usual… Kevin Cannon has contributed another one of his enormous, chicken-fat-filled cartoons:

Click the images to go to the City Pages Comix Issue, and see the above cartoon much, much larger!

Note that you can leave comments on the feature on the City Pages website here.

UPDATE: The City Pages Comix Issue was just featured in the Comics Reporter here.

#37: pixie

#37: pixie

cutepoints (1-10): 3
disposition: vociferous
about: pixie would like to have a
word with you. many words. she
never lets not having anything
to say get in the way of saying
it. once a squirrel crawled down
her throat thinking it was a cave.
quote: “doncha know? know what
i mean? i mean, really. um.”
likes: watermelons, water slides