Interesting Links: February 6th, 2008

Interesting Links: February 5th, 2008

Interesting Links: Barnacle Press

Barnacle Press has more historical comics posted than anywhere else I’ve seen on the web. Run by two fellas, Thrillmer! and Holmes!, the amount of historical comics material they have put out on the web dwarfs what I’ve presented here… it is a huge collection. They have a wealth of examples of comics that have been reprinted nowhere else. I link to them almost every time I post old comics, because they frequently have other examples. Don’t miss this one.

Pictured above, the first panel of the May 18th, 1902 episode of Alice in Funnyland on Barnacle Press. One of a hundred and fifty examples of it they have there, if I counted right. That’s one of the almost 200 features they have represented there so far.

Visit Barnacle Press.

Subscribe to Barnacle Press here.

Interesting Links: February 4, 2008

Interesting Links: February 2nd, 2008

Interesting Links: February 1st, 2008

Interesting Links: January 31, 2008

Interesting Links: Hogan’s Alley Web Extras

Reader Paul Morris asked in the comments if I had any examples of the Smythes by Rea Irvin (the man who created Eustace Tilley). I don’t. But looking around a bit, Hogan’s Alley has a great selection of them. Apparently these are web extras to the 13th issue of the excellent comics/animation art and history magazine Hogan’s Alley (I don’t have a copy yet, alas), which has a feature on The Smythes.

Lambiek has this on the Smythes.

Here is an interesting article from a 1930 issue of Time Magazine on the strip’s debut.

Looking around the Hogan’s Alley site, they sure have been putting up a lot of great web extras lately… W.O. Wilson’s Madge, the Magicians Daughter is absolutely gorgeous… do yourself a favor and don’t miss that one. There’s a whole lot of other treasure there as well… have fun!

Issue 15 Extras
Issue 14 Extras
Issue 13 Extras
Issue 12 Extras

There’s a lot of other great stuff linked from the Hogan’s Alley homepage as well.

Interesting Links: January 30th, 2008

Interesting Links: January 29th, 2008