Interesting Links: October 24, 2007

Interesting Links: October 19, 2007

Interesting Links: October 18, 2007

Interesting Links: The Horrors of it All

The Horrors of it All blog has been posting a ton of fantastic pre-code horror comics, and they just posted one of my all-time favorites, The Brain Bats of Venus by the one and only Basil Wolverton. Boy, a brain bat would make a great Halloween costume… if anyone out there wants to attempt this, please send photos. Click the below image to go read the story!

Interesting Links: October 17, 2007

Interesting Links: Barnacle Press

Barnacle Press is one of my favorite blogs… if you follow this blog, you’ve probably noticed that I link to them on an almost daily basis. Todd Hilmer and Holmes at Barnacle have posted a huge selection of ancient comics from the turn of the last century for your browsing pleasure… numerous extreme obscurities, along with works by some of the greatest cartoonists of all time. They have recently done a wonderful job updating their site, and if you have already subscribed to their blog previously, you will need to do so again, as their rss feed has changed. I missed this fact for a while and I have some great reading to catch up on… they recently posted examples of A.D. Condo’s Duke Murphy on the Diamond, Peter Newell’s Naps of Polly Sleepyhead, and this fantastic and inexplicable proto-Onion article from 1906, among many other things. Do yourself a favor and go spend some time there.

Interesting Links: October 15, 2007

Interesting Links: October 12, 2007

Interesting Links: October 10, 2007

Interesting Links: October 9, 2007