Bruce Bickford’s Twin Peaks

From his website, it appears that creative-genius animator Bruce Bickford (featured in the previously mentioned documentary Monster Road, which I watched for the second time this weekend & enjoyed it as much as the first time) is working on a homage to David Lynch’s Twin Peaks, one of my favorite TV shows of all time. Check out the gallery by clicking the picture below.

Above: Agent Cooper enters the Glastonbury Grove.

Of Muppets and Men: The Making of the Muppet Show

I’m a big fan of the Muppets… I was indoctrinated from an early age with lots of Sesame Street. The early Muppets stuff I think is some of the most fun and inventive stuff I’ve seen done with the television medium.

Here is the first part of a very cool behind the scenes documentary on the Muppet Show (with links to the other 5 parts below)… I haven’t had time to watch the whole thing yet, but if you’re into puppetry, you could learn a lot from this.

It’s pretty facinating (and somewhat disturbing) to see all these muppets with their puppeteers, since the puppeteers are such excellent artists you normally forget they are puppets, and see them as living things.

Definitely not for the little kids! Don’t kill the magic!

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Comic Books and Your Little Brain

It’s came to my attention today that comic books can hurt your brain.

Here’s Jerry Lewis on the effects of comic books on the brain in the movie Artists and Models.

You can find other clips from the film on youtube as well.

Boing Boing via Joey Manley called my attention to this article about a disturbing entry on comics from the Illustrated World Encyclopedia of 1966.

Read the full text of the encyclopedia entry here.

I will be burning all of my comic books this weekend. I suggest you do the same… or you may end up like this:

Monkey of the Week, April 20, 2007: Arabic Gorilla on the Loose

I don’t know anything about this Arabic movie, but I randomly watched some of it and found a gorilla 25.5 minutes in, and he clearly needed to be nominated the Monkey of the Week.

Yes, I know, you say, a gorilla is not technically a monkey. I am not interested in your semantic technicalities. You want to think gorillas aren’t monkeys, well, you better go start your own damn blog. This is my blog, and here gorillas are monkeys, goddammit. Hell, I may even elect a lemur someday. Week. Whatever.

There’s a nice musical number 45 minutes in as well. The gorilla comes back for the action packed conclusion as well.

Brook Benton: Mother Nature, Father Time

This ineptly-filmed surreal wonder is a scopitone, produced for a video jukebox of the same name. Here’s a blog featuring many more. Thanks to Mark Martin’s Jabberous blog for pointing this out!

What’s A Scopitone?
It’s a “Film Jukebox” invented in France in the early 1960’s (from surplus World War II airplane parts!) and also the films (the precursors of todays music videos) which played on it.